As you age, your body may deteriorate. Your mind may also lose its ability to clearly identify and take care of problems. You may also suffer a sudden medical emergency. It may leave you unable to make the right decisions about your medical care. At 10 Minute Will, we urge you to take care of such situations by preparing a legal document called an advance directive.
What Is an Advance Directive?
Advance directives are legal documents that deal specifically with your end-of-life care. They consider such things as medical care, mental health care and quality of life issues. In Texas, if you want the matter to proceed smoothly in accordance with your wishes, you need to prepare and sign several documents.
What Documents Comprise a Complete Advance Directive?
If you wish, you can arrange to prepare and sign a single advance directive. This is, however, not the best approach if you want to be thorough. You need to be certain that every aspect that will control your future medical care. Several documents can help you provide a strong line of communication with your relatives and other involved individuals. Among them are the following:
- Declaration for Mental Health Treatment: This addresses what type of mental health care or treatment you want, under what conditions and in what situations
- Directive to Physicians and Family or Surrogates: If you are incapacitated, this document allows you to establish the type of medical treatment you want
- Out-of-Hospital Do Not Resuscitate: By creating this legal form, you set up the right to refuse any resuscitation attempts.
In Texas, you can set up a medical power of attorney to oversee the various health care treatment requests. In all cases, you will require your signature. Until recently, very particular conditions for witness eligibility were in place. It is now possible for a notary to sign, instead. In addition, changes now allow electronic or digital signatures to be legally employed in this capacity.
Why Opt for Advance Directives?
Advance directives serve you in several ways. They:
- Clarify your intentions regarding all aspects of your health to your loved ones in Texas
- They stipulate your decisions in this area clearly and concisely to medical and legal personnel
- Help to avoid confusion on all levels where your health and state of mind are concerned
- Prevent errors from occurring that will affect your quality of life
Above all, an advance directive makes it possible for you to speak when, perhaps, you cannot speak on your own behalf and, therefore ensure your wishes are carried out.